What is TCube ?

Technology has revolutionised the way we trade, brought new issues and synergies in trade, and ‘trade and’ issues to the forefront of policy discussion. This has also had a significant impact on the nature of taxes, tax regimes, and the application of taxes, domestically, and internationally. Advances in technology continue to evolve, both, driving trade, and as a response to evolving trade practices and consumer demands, leading to emerging design and application methodologies for tariffs and taxes, as much as to non-tariff/ non-tax restrictions to trade. One necessarily leads to the other, creating a vicious circle of continued evolution, creating both, opportunities, and challenges for consumers, producers and governments alike.
TCube Consultancy LLP is focussed on issues, challenges, and opportunities arisingfrom the intersection of trade, taxes and technology.
We offer a combination of digital and brick-and-mortar platforms to different stakeholders and various experts from national governments, multilateral agencies, private sector and the academic world, to discuss and deliberate upon issues affecting international trade, and offer policy inputs to national governments, as well as consultancy services to entities engaged in cross-border trade in goods and services, governments, trade negotiators, etc.
Its core services include expert recommendations, consulting and policy advisory on international trade and taxes for governments and private sector, working papers, white papers, and blog articles for discussion on pertinent issues, and trainings and workshops on the trade, taxes, and associated subjects.
TCube brings together voices from stakeholders and experts in global trade, and tax planning and administration, and to encourage and allow professionals, experts and ehtusiasts to engage with each other, to discuss issues of relevance in international trade, and their synergy with technology and taxes, across borders, and to utilise such discussions and dialogues, to inform policy.